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You're welcome!

The American Corner at CcHUB is an American-style cultural centre and cooperative learning environment. The corner offers programs, activities and resources such as books, makerspace equipment and Internet access.


  1. Free internet and laptop for information, research and learning purposes.

  2. Physical library with books on entrepreneurship, technology, study in America and so much more.

  3. Makerspace with equipment such as 3D printers, Raspberry Pi’s (Kano), 3D Doodlers, Makey-makey, LEGO Mindstorm and so much more

Programs and Activities

We hold trainings, workshops, film shows, masterclasses, panel discussions, seminars and more on a wide array of topics. Participation is completely free, however, registration is typically required.

Sign up for our email list to stay up to date on all our programs and activities here

The STEM club gives you the opportunity to be creative with Science, Technology Engineering and Math. We hold free classes on different STEM related topics. Sign up to join our UI/UX design classes holding now!
Entrepreneur Club
For current and aspiring entrepreneurs we share ideas, strategies and challenges. Join us
This is an online learning community that provides Internet access for free courses and includes weekly class discussions. Sign up here

Visit us

American Corner CcHUB

Ground Floor 294 Herbert Macaulay Way, Sabo, Yaba Lagos

  • Hours: Monday - Friday: 10am - 5pm
  • Phone: 09094652579
  • Email: accchublagos@amcornersnigeria.info