
Announcing CcHUB’s Partnership with NERI to run the NotAnotherNigerian Idea Hackathon

In an effort to connect more young Nigerians to the realities in the North East and encourage participation in co-creating solutions to counter violent extremism, The North East Regional Initiative (NERI) is running The Not Another Nigerian Idea Hackathons.

North Eastern Nigeria is going through a tough period exacerbated by the violent extremism perpetrated by Boko Haram. The impact of their activities on the lives of the average citizen is drastic with millions displaced from their homes and living with the constant threat of violent death. Unfortunately, most Nigerians outside the North East are completely ignorant of the realities within the region and are thus unable to contribute their efforts, to counter violent extremism and to support people whose lives have been affected by the conflict.

The idea hackathons which will be facilitated by Co-Creation Hub will be held in Abuja, Lagos and Port Harcourt respectively between June 29 and July 22, 2018. It will bring together young people interested in making a difference including students, entrepreneurs, software developers, designers etc.

Winning ideas will have the opportunity to receive seed grants towards completing and piloting their solutions with support provided by CcHub through the build and launch process.

To apply for the NotAnotherNigerian idea hackathon visit notanothernigerian.com