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News & Updates

Social Change Lab

Geeks for a more transparent 2015 Nigerian General Elections

With less than 8 months left till the next elections and amid the current state of the country, we are all concerned about the possible outcomes of the coming...

June 18, 2014

Women R.I.S.E Info Session: From Zero to Tech Entrepreneur

Earlier this year, we introduced a high impact program that CcHUB, with support from Google, is designing to address the needs of female technology entrepreneurs in Nigeria. This program...

June 13, 2014

Seedstars World Competition 2014: Call for Applications

Do you consider your startup one of the best in Nigeria? Then the Seedstars World Competition is just for you. Get the chance to compete with startups in emerging...

May 20, 2014

Seedstars World Returns to Lagos In June 2014

After a successful event in Nigeria in 2013, Seedstars World (SSW) will make its return in Lagos, Nigeria on the 13th of June, continuing on its journey to emerging...

May 20, 2014

How CcHUB is mixing things up at Mobile West Africa 2014

Two initiatives, led by Co-Creation Hub, are going to add new dynamics to this yearโ€™s conference (and they involve two of the things Iโ€™m most passionate about: industry growth...

May 8, 2014
Social Change Lab

Social Change Lab for Health: Shortlisted Ideas

After 11 weeks of activities which included a problem enquiry process (survey and 3 live webcast), a stakeholders session to identify priority areas and an open call for ideas...

April 3, 2014