Co-Creation Hub and the European Union are jointly organising a half-day seminar on the EU satellite navigation programme Galileo and its current state of development. The seminar will take place on Friday 18th May, 9.30am, at the offices of Co-Creation Hub, Plot 294 Herbert Macaulay Way, Sabo, Yaba, Lagos.
The seminar is targeted at the application user industry (e.g., logistics, energy, mining companies) and application development industry (e.g., IT, geospatial information value-adding companies).
Presentations will focus, in particular, on the specificities (differentiators) of Galileo in comparison with other satellite navigation systems, its current performance levels, possible applications and mechanisms to support applications development and collaboration between industries. The seminar will also provide a brief overview of other relevant EU space programmes. The seminar will be delivered by European Commission representatives.
The draft programme of the seminar is as follows:
- EU space programmes overview
- European Global Navigation Satellite Systems overview
- Galileo status and performance
- Galileo-enabled applications
- Support for users and cooperation possibilities
More information about Galileo can be found on the following website http://ec.europa.eu/galileo; http://ec.europa.eu/egnos; www.gsc-europa.eu.
Access to the seminar is free but spaces available are limited. To register, please use this link. Apply hereย .