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Microsoft Developer Bootcamp

Microsoft has launched the Africa Apps team, a group of Developer Platform Evangelists, to work with software developers in Nigeria, Ghana and Africa at large. The team is made up of experts on Microsoft technologies such as Visual Studio, Kinect, Windows Azure, Windows 8, Windows Phone 8, Bing Search and Open Source technology all dedicated to helping African developers build, scale and market their innovations across the World.

There will be training tracks covering Microsoft Azure, Windows Phone, and of course Windows 8. Interested participants are advised to register for individual tracks to enable them make the most of the the training sessions. Here is a breakdown what to expect at the event.


DAY 1:ย 8th May

  • Overview of Microsoft’s developer initiatives in Africa
  • Introduction to Application Lifecycle Management
  • Creating a cross-platform (Windows 8, Windows Phone, Android) shopping list app with a Windows Azure Mobile services backend
ย Windows 8
  • Introduction to Windows 8 with a simple camera app
Windows Phone
  • Introduction to Windows Phone
Windows Azure
  • Introduction to Windows Azure
DAY 2: 9th May
Windows 8
  • Location aware camera app with Azure backend
Windows Phone
  • Customizing your app to fit WP8 Traits- 1
Windows Azure
  • Cloud services and Windows Azure storage
DAY 3: 10th May
Asynchronous web applications using ASP.NET SignalR
Windows Phone
  • Customizing your app to fit WP8 Traits- 2
Windows Azure
  • Creating a highly available load balanced Virtual Machine environment

You can pick up tickets here