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Oluronbi’s review on Kirkus

Here is what a foremost book review site, Kirkus has to say about OLURONBI, a popular Yoruba folktale from the stables of Genii Games, an incubatee at CcHUB.


‘A rhythmic Swahili song, a gender switch and a grafted-on happy ending sweeten this version of a West African tale about a childless woman who makes a rash promise to a tree spirit.
Being โ€œyoung, married and barren,โ€ Oluronbi travels to the Iroko tree to ask for a child. Being proud and also either greedy or pigheaded (this is never made clear), instead of begging, she rudely demands a beautiful daughterโ€” and instead of the traditional offering of goods, she promises said daughter to the tree after five years. More here.

Oluronbi is available on iPhones, iPad, Android devices and the Blackberry PlayBook. Check here for links to download this and more.