
Safe Online with Facebook Digital Campaign

Sign-Up for the Safe Online with Facebook Spotlight Series

Over the years, Facebook has trained thousands of people on Digital Skills and this year, the aim is to reach over 20,000 across Nigeria, South Africa, Kenya, Zambia, Senegal, Cote Dโ€™Ivoire, and Ethiopia on acquiring digital skills required to navigate digital platforms and stay safe online.

This digital campaign builds on the foundation of the existing Safe Online with Facebook Programme which successfully empowered over 10,000 students, from over 200 schools in 10 cities across Nigeria with digital skills to safely navigate the internet.ย 

It has become increasingly necessary for this campaign following the COVID-19 pandemic which resulted in the shutting of schools and organizations and shifted learning, business, and entertainment online.

The Online Campaign is widened to equip not just students but Teachers, School Administrators, Parents, and Guardians with the digital skills to remain safe while conducting their various activities on the internet.

A special feature of this program is the instructor-led sessions hosted on Zoom tagged the Spotlight Series. These sessions which are designed to be 45 minutes to 1 hour long will be held webinar-style, featuring interactive and engaging sessions and presentations culled from Facebookโ€™s digital safety repositoryย  – My Digital World.

For the second time in 2020 in Nigeria, re:learn through its partnership with Facebook will host the Safe Online with Facebook Programme.

We are excited about the opportunity of equipping schools, teachers, students, parents, and guardians with the knowledge and skills to engage safely and productively online.

Click here to signup for the Safe Online with Facebook Spotlight series as a Teacher, School, Student, Parent, or Guardian.

For further information or questions please send an email to: info@relearn.ng or Whatsapp/call :+2347031650809: