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Social Change Lab: Call for Ideas

SCL4Health Photo

The delivery of quality healthcare remains a major challenge in Nigeria. Towards this effort, the Social Change Lab for Health is giving you the opportunity to be a change agent that will contribute to tackling the most pressing issues in healthcare delivery.

From now until Friday, 7th of March 2014, we are calling for new or already existing ideas that will address identified priority areas in healthcare delivery using technology.ย These priority areas include:

  • Better collect and seamlessly distribute patient’s medical information wherever care is needed to ensure more effective engagement with healthcare providers.
  • Develop targeted and innovative platforms that give citizens the opportunity to access and share relevant health information to properly manage their conditions and interactions with the Nigerian health system.
  • Facilitate more effective platforms that give citizens the capability to access general and specialized healthcare is a way that is direct, appraised and operational.
  • Enable the use of more effective and comprehensive workflows that encourage better communication between health professionals within the hospitals to facilitate better service for patients.


Simply submit your idea(s) HEREย for aย team of highly skilled people to help you develop it further. By entering your idea in, you stand the chance getting support in pre-seed funding to develop the idea further or to scale an already existing idea.

Don’t forget to to enter your idea by clickingย HERE;ย we look forward to your participation. Feel free to forward this link to other people in your network who may be interested.