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Trade Transparency Hack


Trade-related costs and trade barriers such as tariffs raise the prices of the goods they buy. Unfortunately, there is very little information available to average citizens about the impact of trade protection on them.

While complex statistical data on tariff levels is already available online, it is usually not in an easily accessible format for people other than the experts.

To start these conversations, DFID has contracted the Economist Intelligence Unit to collect the data and model the impact of various trade-related factors on the retail prices of a small number of consumer goods. This dat a will be made available at various Trade Transparency Hacks around the world.


The aim of the Trade Transparency Hack is to engage consumers both in developed and developing countries through interesting and eye-catching online graphics, visualisations and interactive tools which illustrate the impact of trade barriers on the prices of everyday products.

Trade Transparency Hack Nigeria

From the 27th – 29th of September, designers, developers, trade experts and interested consumers will work together in teams at the CcHub in Lagos, Nigeria to develop interactive visualisation tools with the data relevant to Nigeria.

The Hack will be divided into 3 parts:

Idea Hack Day: On Thursday, 27th of September, participants will look through the available data and conceptualise possible apps and tools that they can delivered with the available data. A mixture of voting by all participants and selection of a panel of expert judges will select the 6 apps and visualisations to be developed further.

Solution Hack: From 28th -29th of September, multi-expertise teams will be build prototypes of the apps and tools shortlisted on the first day. The teams will comprise of developers and designers who will do the hacking as well as trade experts who will give input to ensure a quality user experience.

Pitch: In the afternoon of 29th of September, the apps will be presented at an Open Pitch session where a panel of judges who will then select the top apps.


If you are interested in joining the hack, you are invited to register. We are looking for:
Designers: web designers, graphic designers, user-experience designers
Developers: software developers who code for web and mobile
Trade Experts: who understand the intricacies of the issues and can help with the feasibility of projects
Statisticians & Data Analysts: who can help make sense and see patterns in large data sets
Other Consumers: with an interest in the issues and who can bring a different perspective

Trade Transparency Hack Registration Form

Application for the programme has now closed. We will contact selected participants shortly.