
Showcase Tuesday: Imisi 3D Virtual Reality Creation Lab

Experience VR video (use the arrows in the top left corner)

Imisi 3D Virtual Reality creation lab is coming to CcHUB! Find out more about the Imisi 3D:

We are a Virtual Reality (VR) creation lab dedicated to growing a community of VR developers in Nigeria, creating solutions using VR, and providing educational and engagement experiences with VR.

We see huge potential for VR as a tool for creating everyday solutions and intend to change the technology narrative so that here we become creators and not just consumers of technology.

Imisi 3D is future thinking and committed to being responsible ancestors, creating a better world for today and tomorrow.

Our name Ìmísí is the Yoruba word for inspiration, it literally means “to breathe into…” and we do this in 3D 🙂

We are in residence at #the6thFloor by CcHUB for a week starting from July 11th, stop by and visit us between 11.00 AM and 4.00 PM each day. We can discuss virtual reality, and you can try it out too! We are also holding a Virtual Reality showcase at 3.00PM on July 12th.

Want to get in touch? Send us an email at hello@imisi3d.com or visit us at www.imisi3d.com