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The Mastercard Foundation Edtech Fellowship Programme – Complete a Compelling Application

This article outlines quick tips to help streamline your Mastercard Foundation EdTech Fellowship application and increase your chances of selection.

Correct Company Information – Incorporation, Team Size, Revenue

Inaccuracy can jeopardize trust. Elevate your company’s credibility by updating vital information. From incorporation details to team size and revenue figures, maintain precision across your website, social profiles, and public-facing platforms.

Product Description – Crafting an Irresistible Narrative

Your product description serves as the initial impression of your brand. Create a narrative that prioritises the needs and interests of the audience while also being captivating. Promote your brand in an engaging way that rivals the quality of your product!

Users and Market – Understanding Your Audience Inside Out

Create comprehensive personas for your audience. Look into demographics, preferences, and pain areas. 

Your Solution – Unveiling the Unique Value Proposition

Pinpoint the core problems your audience faces. Showcase how your solution directly addresses these pain points. Make your product demo and pitch deck accessible, presenting a clear alignment between the identified problem and your innovative solution.

Financials – Navigating the Numbers 

Provide accurate and up-to-date financial records accurate. Utilize reliable accounting software to ensure precision in your financial information. Let your numbers tell a story of financial strength and stability.

Your Team – The Pillars Behind the Solution

Showcase your team with captivating profiles. Highlight the individual expertise and unique journeys of each member. Show potential partners and investors the driving force behind your solution, instilling confidence in the competence and dedication of your team.

Wishing you all the best in your application.